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Co-codamol Addiction

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Co-codamol addiction is a growing concern that has the power to disrupt lives and cause severe health consequences.

But what is co-codamol, and why does it have such a strong grip on those who become addicted?

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In this blog post, we’ll explore the composition of co-codamol, its addictive nature, and various drug addiction treatment plans designed to help individuals overcome addiction.

By understanding the challenges and solutions involved in co-codamol addiction, we can help raise awareness and support those in need.

Short Summary

Composition of Co-codamol

Co-codamol is a combination of two analgesics, codeine and paracetamol, often used for moderate pain relief.

While it initially provides sensations of euphoria and drowsiness, which can help in relieving pain, it also has the potential to lead to addiction due to the presence of codeine, a habit-forming component.

Cocodamol’s mechanism of action involves inhibiting pain receptors in the central nervous system, preventing the transmission of pain signals from the brain and CNS to the rest of the body.

Meanwhile, paracetamol functions by inhibiting impulses in the brain that inform us we are in pain, making it effective to treat mild to moderate pain.

The Addictive Nature of Cocodamol

Cocodamol, a pain-relieving medication derived from morphine, is also found in some cough syrup formulations.

Its addictive nature stems from its ability to induce a pleasurable sensation and a state of relaxation, which serves as a rewarding stimulus and encourages further use, leading to drug addiction.

Co-codamol is a medicine containing codeine.

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It carries a risk of developing opiate dependence and addiction similar to that of other opiates.

Abuse and addiction of co-codamol can have serious and negative effects on one’s health and wellbeing, including:

It is important to use prescribed codeine paracetamol responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Long-term users of co-codamol often experience the need to continue taking co-codamol to prevent the emergence of co-codamol withdrawal symptoms.

Ingestion of high doses of co-codamol can result in respiratory depression, a decrease in heart rate, and a drop in blood pressure.

Consequently, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with co-codamol abuse and to utilise the medication responsibly, as prescribed by a doctor.

Recognising the Signs of Co-Codamol Addiction

Recognising co-codamol addiction involves observing physical symptoms like sedation and confusion, and behavioural symptoms like withdrawal from responsibilities and relationships.

Early identification of paracetamol codeine addiction signs related to addictive substances can be crucial in seeking appropriate help and support, ultimately leading to a successful recovery journey.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of co-codamol addiction can include:

Additionally, poor hygiene and hallucinations may be observed.

Being able to recognise these signs and symptoms in oneself or a loved one is the first step towards seeking appropriate help.

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Behavioural Symptoms

Behavioural signs and symptoms of paracetamol codeine addiction include:

Awareness of these behavioural indicators can aid in early intervention and support for those struggling with addiction.

Health Risks Associated with Co-codamol Abuse

Co-codamol abuse carries significant health risks, including liver damage, respiratory issues, muscular pain and an increased risk of overdose.

Understanding these risks and taking co-codamol responsibly, as prescribed, can help prevent the dangerous consequences of codeine abuse.

Taking codeine paracetamol responsibly is the best way to avoid the risks associated with abuse.

Liver Damage

Excessive paracetamol consumption in co-codamol can lead to liver damage. This damage can have severe consequences on one’s overall health and wellbeing.

Being aware of the potential perils associated with co-codamol abuse, including liver damage and liver disease, is imperative for responsible medication use.

Kidney damage is another possible effect of using co-codamol over a prolonged period.

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Respiratory Issues

Respiratory issues, such as respiratory depression, can result from codeine abuse in co-codamol. and other drugs Some potential effects caused by co-codamol misuse include:

It is important to be aware of these risks and use co-codamol responsibly.

Being aware of these risks and using co-codamol as prescribed can help mitigate the likelihood of respiratory complications.

Overdose Risks

The risk of overdose increases with higher dosages and prolonged use of co-codamol or other drugs.

Overdosing on co-codamol can lead to respiratory failure, skeletal muscle breakdown, and even fatality.

It is crucial to seek prompt medical attention if any of these symptoms manifest and to always use co-codamol responsibly and as prescribed.

Managing Co-Codamol Withdrawal Symptoms

Managing co-codamol withdrawal symptoms involves understanding common symptoms and using safe detoxification methods.

With the right support and guidance, individuals can navigate the withdrawal process effectively and take steps toward a successful recovery.

It is important to be aware of the potential withdrawal symptoms that may arise when coming off co-codamol.

If you need help with the withdrawal process of co-codamol or other medicines, please contact our team for help and support.

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Common Withdrawal Symptoms

Common withdrawal symptoms from co-codamol include nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle aches and pains, anxiety and restlessness, insomnia, sweating, runny nose, and watery eyes.

Recognising these symptoms can help individuals identify when they may be experiencing withdrawal, and seek appropriate support and care.

Safe Detoxification Methods

Safe detoxification methods for co-codamol addiction include:

Seeking professional guidance and support can ensure a secure and effective detox process.

Treatments for Co-codamol Addiction

There are various addiction treatments available for co-codamol addiction, including individual and group therapy, support groups, and residential rehabilitation programmes.

Each person’s journey to recovery is unique, and it’s essential to find the addiction treatment plan that best suits their individual needs and circumstances.

Finding the right treatment programme can be a difficult process, but there are many resources available to help.

Individual and Group Therapy

Individual and group therapy can help address the underlying causes of addiction and develop coping strategies.

Individual therapy provides a secure and confidential setting to investigate underlying issues and form coping strategies.

Group therapy offers a supportive atmosphere where individuals can connect with others undergoing similar circumstances, providing a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

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Support Groups

Support groups provide a network of peers who understand the challenges of addiction and recovery. By attending support groups, individuals can gain:

This network can be crucial in maintaining long-term mental health recovery and avoiding relapse.

Residential Rehabilitation Programmes

Residential rehabilitation programmes offer intensive, structured treatment in a supportive environment. These programmes provide a range of advantages, such as:

For many individuals, a residential rehabilitation programme can be an essential step in overcoming co-codamol addiction.

Preventing Relapse and Maintaining Recovery

Preventing relapse and maintaining recovery from co-codamol addiction involves identifying triggers, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and obtaining ongoing support.

By addressing the root causes of addiction and implementing effective strategies for managing cravings and stress, individuals can achieve long-term recovery.

Identifying triggers can help individuals recognise situations that may lead to relapse. Developing healthy coping skills.

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Identifying Triggers

Identifying triggers helps individuals avoid situations that may lead to relapse. Some prevalent triggers for co-codamol addiction include:

By understanding their triggers and learning how to manage them effectively, individuals can reduce their risk of relapse and maintain their sobriety.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Developing healthy coping mechanisms can help manage stress and cravings. Some strategies include:

Implementing these strategies can contribute to a successful and long-lasting recovery from co-codamol addiction.


In conclusion, being addicted to co codamol is a complex issue that requires understanding, support, and effective treatment strategies.

By recognising the signs of addiction, addressing the health risks associated with co-codamol abuse, and exploring various treatment options, individuals can embark on a journey towards recovery and a healthier, addiction-free life.

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Remember, recovery is possible, and with the right support and determination, anyone can overcome co-codamol addiction.

If you are taking co codamol and looking for help stopping, please speak to our professionals today. Codeine paracetamol can be highly addictive and it is important to get help as soon as possible to stop common side effects and life threatening risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m addicted to Cocodamol?

If you’re finding it hard to stop taking co-codamol or feel you need to take it more often than necessary, as well as having withdrawal symptoms like restlessness or agitation when you stop taking it, it could be a sign of addiction.

Addiction to co-codamol can be serious and should be addressed as soon as possible. Speak to your doctor or a healthcare professional if you think you may be addicted.

They can provide advice and support to help you manage your addiction.

How does co-codamol affect the brain?

Cocodamol affects the brain by blocking pain signals to the body and suppressing the activity in the brain that controls coughing.

In higher doses, codeine also stimulates the reward system of the brain, leading to a pleasurable sensation.

How many doses of co-codamol are safe?

The safe amount of co-codamol for adults is a maximum of 8 tablets in 24 hours, with at least 4 to 6 hours between doses.

Is paracetamol codeine addictive?

Paracetamol codeine (co-codamol) is addictive.

Long-term use of co codamol can lead to cravings and psychological and physical dependence.

Additionally, people may become addicted to co-codamol after using it to treat mild to moderate physical pain relief or treat headaches.

What is the composition of co-codamol?

Co-codamol is a combination of two active ingredients, codeine and paracetamol.

It is used as a painkiller to provide relief from moderate pain.

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